For over 30 years, the Women's Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara has offered women of all ages a unique opportunity to enhance and support Jewish life in our local community, in Israel and around the world. We are committed to the ideals and values of our Jewish heritage and tradition, to tzedakah (righteousness/charity) and tikkun olam (repairing the world). We invite you to join an exceptional group of women who strive to inspire, educate, and connect people to their Jewish identity, ensuring a Jewish future for today and for the generations to come.
For further information about all Women's Division events, contact Cyndi Silverman at or (805) 957-1115.
Women's Division events tell of our shared vision of the important work women can achieve when they come together to affirm their common values.
is an internationally recognized designation for women who personally contribute $5,000 or more to the Jewish Federation Community Campaign during a given year. Women who reach the "Lion" level with their campaign gifts are entitled to receive a gold pin in the shape of the Lion of Judah. Introduced in 1972, thousands of women around the world proudly wear the beautiful Lion pin in recognition of their commitment to the Jewish community. More than 50 women in our community are members. Santa Barbara's Women's Division holds various annual Lion of Judah events, and Lion-level donors are also invited to Lion of Judah National and Regional conferences.
In addition to reaching the Lion level, a woman may also establish her own endowment fund. The LOJE provides an opportunity to fulfill long-term and future commitments to Jewish survival, and enhancing the quality of Jewish life. LOJE guarantees a woman's financial commitment of $5,000 or more every year in perpetuity.
The Pomegranate is an impressive symbol of Jewish life and commitment. As one of the seven fruits named in the Torah, it is said to contain 613 seeds — one for every mitzvah noted in the Torah. The Pomegranate reminds us of our connection to the Jewish community, and our commitment to tikkun olam, the moral responsibility to repair the world and alleviate suffering wherever it exists.
The Pomegranate is also the name of the unique community of women within the Women’s Alliance who are committed to bringing Jewish values to life through tzedakah, righteous giving. Each woman's individual giving to the Jewish Community Federation Campaign begins at $1,800 each year, which supports our local agencies and synagogues, and helps Jews in need here in Santa Barbara, in Israel, and throughout the world. Pomegranate programs provide an opportunity to develop bonds with other committed women and to develop a more tangible understanding of how our gifts touch thousands of lives worldwide. The Pomegranate Society boasts nearly 50 members from our community.
Federation thanks our Santa Barbara Lions of Judah, LOJEs and Pomegranates, who represent a network of extraordinary women who understand the power of giving in your own name.