Special Free Community Event
Renowned human geneticist Dr. Mary-Claire King discovered the genetic mutation responsible for breast cancer, a finding that has revolutionized the course of cancer research and transformed the way patients are diagnosed and treated. A recipient of the National Medal of Science for her bold, imaginative and diverse contributions to medical science and human rights, Dr. King will discuss the genetics of inherited cancers in this free community event.
Following the talk a panel of experts will address genetics, cancer and you, including the following topics:
- lifestyle and cancer risk reduction
- family history and ethnicity risk factors
- genetic testing as cancer prevention
- privacy of genetic testing results
- benefits and perils of ancestry testing
- local resources for cancer risk assessment and counseling
Presented in association with Breast Cancer Resource Center, Ridley-Tree Cancer Center at Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics and UCSB Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.
Sponsored by the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, proud supporter of the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center and its Genetic Counseling Program