The Fine Arts Film Festival is back in Santa Barbara after a seven-year hiatus. The festival has added dance films to its visual arts screening. It begins on July 16th at the Center for Art, Science and Technology (, and ends Sunday afternoon July 17th at the JCC, beginning at noon.
Directed and co-founded by curator Lynn Holley, the Sunday roster includes a selection of 10 films, some as short as 2-minutes, up to 60-minutes. On the line-up is Kanter’s Circle (58:00), which tells the distinctive story of long-lasting friendships that were formed during the Nazi occupation of Poland, by youths who had a passion for the arts, but were forced to exercise their creativity in secret. The film director from Poland will introduce the film.
For more information on ticket pricing and films screened, go to Or contact Seating is limited, make your reservation. Tickets are $20.
Sponsor: SBCAST and the JFGSB