
16 2014

Teen Valley Jewish Queer Straight Alliance

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Kol Tikvah 20400 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Contact Becca Grumet
Dinner provided; please RSVP
(561) 685-1247

Are you a Jewish and LGBTQ teen, 14-18? Are you a Jewish teen ally of the LGBTQ community?

Join other Jewish teens of all sexual and gender identities at monthly meetings of JQSA -- the first community-wide youth group in the Los Angeles Valley. JQSA provides a safe place for all Jewish teens to be able to connect to each other regardless of how they identify on the sexual or gender spectrum.

With support, programming, and outreach expertise provided by JQ International, teens will participate in monthly meetings and retreats, as well as build an activist toolkit to fight bullying and intolerance in and outside of the Jewish community.

Group meets monthly on Sundays from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Temple Kol Tikvah.

Contact Becca at (561) 685-1247 or email with any questions.

PLEASE RSVP … so we can get an accurate count for the Kosher-style dinner!

JQ International creates community and advances greater inclusion of LGBTQ Jews and Allies via identity-building programs and services that embody Jewish values.

Save the Date! December Monthly Meeting: Sunday, December 14

Save the Date! Sunday Retreats: February 8, 2015; May 16, 2015

Sponsor: Sponsored by JQ International and Temple Kol Tikvah