Join the Taubman Symposia on Sunday, February 14, as we welcome Ilan Stavans of Amherst College, who will discuss The Seventh Heaven: Travels through Jewish Latin America (2020). In this travelogue, Stavans talks to families of the desaparecidos in Buenos Aires, to “Indian Jews,” and to people affiliated with neo-Nazi groups in Patagonia. He also visits Spain to understand the long-term effects of the Inquisition, the American Southwest habitat of “secret Jews,” and Israel, where immigrants from Latin America have reshaped the Jewish state. The Seventh Heaven is a masterful work in Stavans’s ongoing quest to find a convergence between the personal and the historical.
Zoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/84547231386.
Copies of The Seventh Heaven are available for purchase from our friends at Chaucer's (https://www.chaucersbooks.com).