
8 2017

Polish-Jewish Genealogical Research

1:30PM - 3:30PM  

Temple Adat Elohim 2420 E. Hillcrest Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
818-889-6616 (Phone)
no (Fax)

Contact Rosalie Bell
818-889-6616 (Phone)
no (Fax)

The presentation will provide a general overview and introduction to researching your Polish-Jewish ancestry. The discussion will include: a history of Polish border changes, geography and place-name changes; how to find and locate your ancestral shtetl and historical information; the vital records-keeping system in Poland; how to find and translate birth, marriage and death records; Polish-Jewish surnames and given names, language spelling and grammar issues; Yizkor books and landsmanschaftn; business directories; Polish Archives and Civil Registration Offices; using Mormon microfilms, Internet sources, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for Jewish genealogical research in Poland.

Sponsor: JGSCV and Temple Adat Elohim