
13 2016

On Humans & Animals. To Whom Are We Responsible?

5:45PM - 7:15PM  

UC Santa Barbara Chemistry Building, Room 1171
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Contact Renan Larue
(805) 979-6423

In this talk, Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz will examine the underlying philosophical paradigms of human and animal rights through the encompassing lens of Jewish values. Overarching questions that will be examined over the course of this session include: How is dignity understood differently between humans and animals? In what way do humans themselves behave as animals? In what ways not? How central is sentience to ethical concerns? What are normative animal welfare activist approaches? Should language differentiation be critically considered?

To examine these questions, Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz will compare and contrast various Jewish thinkers and their responses to these notions of ethical obligations and universal rights.

A vegan/kosher buffet will be offered after the presentation

Sponsor: Comparative Literature Program, GCLR, and IHC (UCSB)