
24 2021

Matinee at the J: Kosher Beach

3:00PM - 4:00PM  


Contact Ruby Vargeson

Join Louise "Weezy" Palanker to discuss the 2019 documentary by Karin Kainer, "Kosher Beach". 

Synopsis: The beautiful coastline of Tel Aviv draws devoted beachgoers eager to find peace and relaxation in the Mediterranean. Among these are residents of Bnei Brak, a closed orthodox suburb, who frequent a gender-segregated stretch of seaside, closed off to the neighboring gay beaches with a modesty fence. Kainer’s insightful and often humorous film explores the importance of this kosher beach, even defying the wishes of rabbis fearful of the beach's "immorality".

RSVP to Ruby Vargeson at rvargeson@sbjf.org.

The film is available to rent on Vimeo.