
23 2014

Jewish Rituals and Traditions: An "End of Life" Conversation

5:00PM - 6:30PM  

Jewish Federation
United States 524 Chapala St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
805-957-1115 marilyn@sbjf.org

Contact Marilyn Simon-Gersuk

A conversation with Rabbi Steve Cohen, Congregation B'nai B'rith; Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer, Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara, and Leonard Lawrence, General Manager, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries. Join together as a community as we talk about making your own wishes a part of your end of life care and memorial.

A light dinner will be served.

Please RSVP by email or by calling 805-957-1115.

Sponsor: JFGSB, CBB, Community Shul, and Mt. Sinai