
21 2014

Jewish Genealogy Interest Group meeting

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Sahyun Genealogy Library 316 Castillo Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101

Contact Jane Honikman

Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider will present From the Pale to Boston: A Collaboration Uncovers Colorful Pieces of the Family Puzzle.

Working with Genealogy Society expert Diane Sylvester, Helene recently created a book about her family’s journey from the Old World to the New to give to her father on his birthday. Helene will share how they traced her family back to early Boston by gathering information from family histories, stories, photos and reunions. Diane will explain how they identified the birth villages of some of Helene’s family in the Ukraine, Lithuania and Bessarabia. Lively tales will be told that emerged from the research: Grannie Annie played violin in the Boston Pops 
Orchestra under Arthur Fiedler; Harry Kovitz was the butcher for Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.; etc. 

Helene Schneider is serving her second term as mayor of Santa Barbara. Diane Sylvester is the Education Chair on SBCGS’s Board of Directors and has over 25 years of genealogical research experience.

Please join us for this evocative talk, followed by a Q&A session and time for individual 
research assisted by the librarians on duty. Get support and practical advice. No experience necessary!

Space is limited, so please RSVP to SBCGS-education@sbgen.org or call 805-967-1742.  There is no charge for our meetings.  

Enter the Sahyun Genealogy Library's driveway for free parking in its lot.  If possible, please carpool.