
15 2020

Israeli Society & Politics Series: Chemi Shalev, Israeli Politics Explained

11:00AM - 12:00PM  


Contact Ruby Vargeson

Chemi Shalev, US Editor & Correspondent, Haaretz

Israeli Politics Explained: After a year of repeat elections and political paralysis, Israel finally has a new government – the most bloated in its history. How did we get here? What is the secret of Netanyahu’s charm, what historic and social grievances does he draw on and how has he managed to triumph despite standing trial as a criminal defendant? And Israel’s despondent center-left – which is closest in its liberal worldview to U.S. Jewry – has been crushed by recent events. Can it ever recover?


We would like to welcome you to join this important series brought to you by Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, Ventura County, Peoria, and Springfield, Illinois. From the West Coast to the Midwest—all interested in Israel.


Register for the webinar at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1HeBD2poTk65LKYCnrZKHg