How Could We Amend the Constitution?
The League of Women Voters of the United States has asked local Leagues to participate in a study on when and how to amend the United States Constitution. Two legal experts, Joseph Allen and Shane Stark, will provide background about when and how Constitutional amendments have been done in the past, and what problems arise.
Both panelists are League members. Allen is a past president of ACLU and civil rights lawyer, and Stark is former Santa Barbara County Counsel. Marty Blum, government consultant for the local League and past president, will moderate the meeting and join the question and answer period. If you have had questions, the meeting will be a good time to get them answered.
Community forums are free and open to the public. Bring a brown-bag lunch and your friends. Parking behind the center is free during the meeting. Click on for additional information on the meeting, and background information on the study.
Sponsor: League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara