Local Survivors Ralph Baxter, Freddy Caston, Erika Kahn, Edith Ostern, Bernie Penner, Maria Segal, and Margaret Singer, as well as other known artists, have been commissioned to create 8x8” canvasses which will be for sale at $54 each. Proceeds will benefit the Portraits of Survival/Upstanders Exhibits and Programs: Life Journeys During the Holocaust and Beyond, which has welcomed over 10,000 visitors since its inception in November 2003.
The exhibit will also welcome masterful artworks by Survivor David Labkovski, in his Santa Barbara debut. David Labkovski’s (1906-1991) art tells the story of Jewish destruction, survival, and renewal through his expressive technique and captivating oil paintings.
The Survivors’ artwork is an essential part of the Celebration of Lifeexhibit, and will honor all local Holocaust Survivors, their legacies of endurance and hope, and the lessons their lives teach us about the power of the human spirit in the face of unthinkable evil.
By celebrating life, the exhibit offers a more positive approach to commemorating Kristallnacht and honoring our local Survivors. Kristallnacht or “The Night of Broken Glass” marks the day the Nazis stormed the streets of Germany in 1938 torching synagogues, vandalizing Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and killing over 100 Jews and injuring countless more. Kristallnacht is considered by many historians to be the actual beginning of the Holocaust.
Sponsor: The Squire Foundation