
7 2017

A Sephardic Journey

3:30PM - 5:30PM  

Rosalie Bell 2420 E Hillcrest
Thousand Oaks, CA, CA 91362
(818) 889-6636

Contact Rosalie Bell
(818) 889-6636

Award-winning author and speaker Marcia Fine shares "A Sephardic Journey," the story of Jews who were persecuted around the world for almost 400 years by the Inquisition. While many were forcibly converted, others remained true to their faith by going underground. Still others left Spain and Portugal to venture to the New World. Marcia will speak about The Blind Eye, when the Church orders expulsion of all Jews and Conversos from Spain and about and her extensive research for Hidden Ones about the Inquisition in Mexico (and New Mexico!). Marcia will address the Diaspora and survival of Sephardim in the New World.

Sponsor: JGSCV and Temple Adat Elohim